Formally know has Stabcon: South, Shake Battle and Roll: Southampton is our biggest gaming event, hosted every 6 months at the DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel, Southampton.
An Adeptus Titanicus Event from the Team that brings you Shake Battle and Roll
Shake, Battle & Roll (formerly Stabcon South) is a Board Games and general geekery Weekend, held twice a year at the Doubletree by Hilton Hotel Southampton.
The format of our main events is pretty simple, we provide a large library of games and space to play them. At the event people play Board Games, Role Playing Games, CCGs, LCGs, Social/Party Games and all other related silliness.
So come along, play games and have fun. Bring your favourites games, but don't worry if you don't as there is a huge variety of games in our extensive board games library as well as lots of games for you to join. We're usually open from 11am on Friday till 11pm on Sunday so that's a whole 60 hours of gaming!
We also run more specific events, such as our Heavy series, focused on longer more detailed games, or Quake, Battle and Walk our Adeptus Titanicus events.
You can find out all our upcoming events visit our events page.